Its a new year, a fresh start, a new adventure and an opportunity to put things right.
I am particularly excited about this new year because so many opportunities availed itself to EMBELLISH ME but due to "Procrastination" they were not achieved.
In past years, I had many new year resolutions - work out more, eat healthy, read 2 books a month and the list goes on but this year, I have just one resolution - DO NOT PROCRASTINATE. Anything that needs to be done, do it NOW. Do not delay, do not wait, no more excuses.
Ok enough about me already.
Now in the world of Fashion, no procrasticnation is also the order of the day. Some people have called it upon themselves and have made it point of duty to take Nigerian Fashion and Fashion designers to the world. With the likes of Jewel by Lisa having a concession in Selfridges, and i tell you thats where it begins. Before you know it, Nigerian designer would be mainstream and on the highsteets in the Fashion captitals of the world. The West emerged centuries ago, China, decades ago and still prevailent. All thats left is AFRICA. This continent is the "New world" and we young budding enterpreneurs need to raise up to the occasion and let our voices be heard, our trade be seen and our gift and talents showcased.
Embellish me, you need to rise up and be effectual in this world and thats what 2013 is all about for me. Enough of the dreaming, planning and strategising, it this for taking the bull by the horn, its time for ACTION.
2012 was definitely an eventful year for EMBELLISH ME, new creative designs and clients from all over Europe the Americas and Africa.
Here are some pictures of the our work in the latter part of 2012.
We have so many more designs to upload and that would be done as soon as we get the pictures.
We would also like to use this opprotunity to thank all our clients and customers that hekped to make 2012 a great success for Embellish Me.
By the special grace of God, 2013 would be a year of greater success, growth and excellence.
Thank you for your support and patronge and may the God Lord continue to order our steps and see us through this new exciting year.
God Bless you all...
From me and the Embellish Me crew...
Stay Blessed and Fabulous.